Magic Moments

Magic Moments

I was at a fairy party recently, and there was a moment when time seemed to stop. I was dancing with the children, and the birthday girl wanted to sit and watch. She had a big smile on her face as she gazed out at her friends. The other children were laughing and jumping up and down to the song.

I felt so happy – full of love for the birthday girl, grateful to be creating such a moment and to be invited to come and share such a special day, and full of joy just at having fun.

It seemed as though the air was filled with light and sparkles, and there was a hushed stillness, even as everyone was dancing. It was like a freeze-frame of time stopping, and I knew that this is what it’s all about. It was a Magic Moment.

I heard later from the mom, who wrote “It’s such a gift to a parent to see your child so utterly happy.”

That is truly the best part of being a fairy. To create utter happiness. And the amazing part is, we all get to have that happiness- the birthday girl, the guests, me, and the parents watching it all unfold.

Happiness is contagious, and Magic Moments are the essence of what makes life truly wonderful. They may not be every moment, but they live on as a memory that we can reach for, whenever we need that feeling of magic and utter happiness in whatever moment we are currently in.

And then the moment becomes even longer, just like magic!

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