So much has changed! Ability to see friends, go to school, and have birthday parties like before. It’s been a challenging time for everyone. I very much hope you are weathering the storm with safety and a delicious batch of fairy cakes.
And some things don’t change. Little ones still have birthdays, they still love play and magic, and to connect with friends. An online party might be the only way that you feel safe to do that.
When this COVID situation started, to be honest I thought that I didn’t really want to do online parties, as I believed it just wouldn’t be as fun for everyone. It seemed like “Making do” with a bad situation. And to me, fun and magic are what it’s all about!
Then I asked, how can I make this even MORE fun and magical?
After some creative brainstorming I realized that this is an opportunity to get even more creative! Some ideas came from being inspired by other artists on social media, and some came directly from the Fairy Lands. For example, the idea of a Cape of Invisibility came to me by quite by accident, by following that magical path of joy and experimentation and the digital discovery that followed.
The secret behind it (you are sworn to secrecy here!) is that I have a green screen and with that, so much MAGIC can happen! The Cape of Invisibility works in real time during the party, and makes the fairy disappear! Only to reappear with a laugh…
Now I have given a number of online parties, and it’s true – it’s not quite the same. There is such joy to seeing friends (and fairies!) in person.
And it’s also true that it’s different, and they are amazing and fun and magical in their own way! There are wonderful things and opportunities for magic that can happen with an online party that aren’t possible in person.
There’s added benefits too: there is little work on the parent’s end – no food to buy and prepare, no decorations, no clean up, no having to do 20 things at once to make your wee one happy… a lot of time and expense is saved. And, an online party means that you can invite guests who don’t live in town – perhaps a cousin in another part of the country can join as well.
I can safely say that I now LOVE doing online parties! They are different, and they are wonderful. I feel the same sense of joy and connection with the children as I do at in person parties. Joy for me is my compass. And I know that when I am feeling joy, the children are usually feeling it too.
And, I am still learning and developing more fun ways I can use the screen as an instrument of play, to make parties and playdates their own unique wonderful experience. I am excited to see where this path will go.
-Bryony Lake
Fairy Parties and Fairy Princess parties in the Vancouver, BC area.
Providing magical experiences that bring out your child’s inner fairy and let them shine!
Copyright In the Company of Fairies 2025.
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